TPC Rules
Updated: June 14, 2024 - 7:56:59 pm
  1. How Do I Join? - Just press the MyTPC link in the menu and it will authorize your discord account to upload states. I'm lazy. You better just have discord.

  2. Gameplay Rules - Follow these rules for TPC games. If you don't, you will get the boot.

    • Be a good sport. If someone is not a good sport, simply avoid playing them again.
    • If you are using a non-TPC rom, both parties must agree BEFORE the game that the results will count towards TPC.
    • Changing playbooks is allowed.
    • For best communication, keep chat window open and move it out of the way.
    • WR and TE are not allowed to run the ball except on reverses designed for WR's
    • No Using the 4th man down on FG and XP
    • Onside kicks are allowed.
    • Skipping the coin toss is allowed. The coin toss is random anyway.
    • You must say GL and GG. Those stand for Good Luck and Good Game.
    • Using the Defensive Linemen is not allowed.
    • Please allow the team on defense to pick their defender before the ball is snapped.
    • You can only go to the do substitutuions or check conditions TWICE a game.
    • The winner is responsible for getting the .sta (save file, F5) file.
    • The loser must confirm the winner got the sta. At minimum, allow him time to get the file.
    • Player 1 (good side) must pick team first.
    • If player 1 wants a different team, player 2 will always be given the chance to repick their team.
    • In the event that a disagreement occurs over who is player 1 (good side), the person who initiated the challenge is player 1.

  3. Tournament Rules - These rules go into effect 6/6/06.

    • Best of 3 - High seed is player 1 (good side) for games 1 and 3.
    • Single Elimination - High seed is player 1 (good side)
    • One IP per tournament - multi-TPC households, pick your best representative.

  4. Do Ties Count? - No. Do not send in ties. They will mess up the database. You wil both get losses if you send in a tie.

  5. Dismissal - If you have been fired or kicked out of TPC, feel free to get a new AOL IM screen name and try to join again. I don't care if you were stupid in the past, but if you can fool the league and join under a different name, that is fine. If you are discovered, you will be booted again. So don't think you can be a jerk, come back and then reveal yourself to be the previously booted jerk and think you can stay in the league. If you pull off a successful entry back into the league, just be cool and play your games and act like a regular guy.